

Tab Muter(浏览器音量管理插件)

Tab Muter是一款非常实用的浏览器音量管理插件。该插件能够一键关闭/开启浏览器音量,这样当我们浏览网页时,我们就不会受到广告音量的影响了,有需要的用户可以下载。

Tab Muter

2023年9月4日 — Tab Muter is a Chrome extension that re-enables the user-driven mute tab feature, offering individual control over tab audio.

Tab Muter

Tab Muter is available to install from Chrome Web Store and for download from this page. It has 144,202 weekly active users The latest version is 2.0.0, and it ...

Tab Muter

2023年9月3日 — Once upon a time, Chrome had a feature hidden away in chrome://flags to allow users to mute individual tabs by clicking the speaker icon ...

Tab Muter

Tab Muter is a Chrome extension that re-adds a way to access the “Mute Tab” feature, which used to be available in Chrome itself.

Tab Muter for Google Chrome

2023年7月11日 — Tab Muter is a Chrome extension to re-enable the Mute Tab feature. It re-implements the old feature, but in a different place. It was removed ...

Tab Muter_chrome插件下载,最新浏览器扩展,crx离线安装包

2023年3月5日 — 提供最新版本的Tab Muter chrome谷歌浏览器插件下载,以及离线安装包crx扩展安装教程.

Tab Muter 2.0.0

Tab Muter is a free Productivity Extension for Chrome. You could download the latest version crx file or old version crx files and install it.